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Mossy and Massive:

Lava Fields Abound

Especially for its small size, a really cool fact about Iceland is that it has one of the greatest number of volcanoes in the world.

But what’s even cooler is how easily you can access some of the unique features that arises out of the many years of volcanic activity. For instance, you’ll see lava fields right by the Ring Road, the main freeway that loops around this oval-shaped island. And the green moss, mushy and deep, almost spongy, growing on the lava is something we haven’t seen anywhere else in our many sojourns around the world. 

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Even though these are very accessible – you only have to pull up by the side for interesting photographs – you do need to be very careful not to step on them: the damage to them is generally irreversible. It’s better if you can find a parking spot and walk around the trails that loop around the fields. 

The fields aren’t too far from Keflavik airport and the blue lagoon, and to get to these, you should drive for a few miles east past the small town of Grindavik. While you’re still on Route 427, the landscape will very soon dramatically change, and before you know it, you’ll see this unearthly terrain. 


Iceland will always bring you back for more. In all my experience as a travel blogger and landscape photographer this is the place that has always seemed especially weird to me.


Of course, in a good way!

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